
A Better Social Network

LyfeLoop is gives users everything they loved about other platforms minus all the censorship and security issues. Welcome to LyfeLoop there’s a better place for you to interact with family and friends.


Social Freedom & Security

Recently Fakebook has lost the trust of millions of its users by allowing 3rd parties to access over 87 million users’ personal data. As well as censor real content and allow fake content to be uncensored. This massive breech of trust has created a feeling of unrest amongst the social media platform’s audience. So much so that there is now a #deletefakebook campaign where people are completely removing themselves from Fakebook and using other networks instead.

LYFELOOP can be accessed from all device personal computers, tablets and smartphones.
After registering, users can create a profile revealing information about themselves. They can post text, photos and multimedia which is shared with any other users that have agreed to be their “friend”, or, with a different privacy setting, with any reader. Users can also use various embedded apps, join common-interest groups, buy and sell items or services on Marketplace, and receive notifications of their LyfeLoop friends’ activities and activities of LyfeLoop pages they follow.

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